07 June, 2010

Sugiton (7-June)

Sugiton. Pronounced something like "sue-gzhee-tohn." Words cannot describe this place, for many reasons.

Sugiton is a little beach/inlet a little ways outside of Marseille. We were told we must go there because it is so beautiful, and it definitely is a gorgeous place. Very secluded. However, we were NOT prepared for the serious trek that was required to reach this little area of paradise. We put on our bathing suits and cover ups, flip flops, packed a bag with the essentials including some food and water, and got on the bus. 30minutes to end of the route, then we were told it was about a 45minute walk from the bus stop to get there. Ok, no problem.

We start this walk... it's through a national park, kinda mountainy, mostly rock/gravel path. Pretty nice. Very hot but a decent breeze. An hour into this hike, we are still not there. We can SEE the water, but have no idea how we are going to get there. At a few points, we thought we were really close or maybe only 10minutes away, but we just kept walkinggggg... we get to this point with a sign pointing that Sugiton is "down" this way. Here is where some rock-climbing/cliff-scaling skills would have come in reeaalll handy. Or at least some damn tennis shoes. haha, then we realized a family with two little boys just made this climb, plus we had already been walking for over an hour, so it was too late to turn back.

Some seriously scary moments and feeling physically defeated, but we finally made it to the water and rocks (not a sandy beach, just steep limestoney rocks). And what a sight it was... stunning. My dad would have loved this entire adventure, so I took lots of pictures of the entire journey.

We settled down on some rocks, but still weren't actually at the water. More climbing down steep rocks was required, but we made it. In flip flops and dresses, no less. The water was freezing, but again, we'd come too far not to get in and swim around. Clare even climbed up a rock and jumped off--so proud of her! :)

The walk back was easier in some ways because we knew exactly what to expect and it went a bit faster. But we didn't want to leave because we didn't want to have to make the walk back at all, haha. I think our legs were sore for 3 days after all this. Ridiculous.

Definitely worth it.

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