18 June, 2010

Adio, Greece! (17/18-June)

Another great beach day!! We rented the nice chairs again--cheap and comfy. Ok, so there was a guy on the beach every day, and he sold donuts. Huge donuts covered in sugar. We resisted the first day, but decided to indulge since we were, after all, in Greece! :) Once we decide to do this, he is nowhere to be found. Panic ensued. We even made up a song to bring him back to us... he finally came back to our beach and we quickly bought donuts. One covered in sugar, the other filled with little pockets of CHOCAOLTE! Woooohoo, good stuff!!

Since it was our last full night in town, we got all dressed up, all fancy-like, and went back to Michael's for dinner. He was so glad to see us and wanted us to come back for drinks later, haha. (We got their fried zucchini tonight--out of this world!!!) We got some good pics of how cute we looked, too, out on the beach. Then we went back to our hotel restaurant to hang out with Alexander and the Greek hottie, lol. Oh, also, walking down the street to the beach... it was like we had friends and people knew us because all the bartenders/restaurant people would wave and say "Hey, America!" as we passed, hahaha, loved it. Anyway, ordered some baklava--just shoot me now so I can die happy. Sheesh was that delicious. Might have to try to make some at home, and would surely do it no justice.

On our last day, we had to find the post office to send some things home and make room in our packs! Better to do it now than in Copenhagen, cost-wise, but that is the ONLY reason it made sense to visit a post office in Greece. What a disaster! The workers were not helpful and would not sell me a box for my things! They only have display ones, and wouldn't give me one of those, and apparently don't sell them? What?? They told us to go around to the nearby stores to ask and find a box--HAHA, are you kidding me? So we tried, and failed. Ridiculous. Thankfully, our Frank of Greece showed up at the post office and helped us out--brought us a good box and got everything shipped. For $90! Eek!

Did a bit of shopping and walking around town, watched a couple futbol games and just relaxed before heading to the airport. We got a set of cards and played War and Go Fish. Clare had a legendary game of Go Fish--I think I made a couple of matches, and then she just matched up every single last card after that. Insane. In the meantime, Alexander comes around our table every 10-15mins and squeezes Clare's shoulder... much to her dismay. hahaha. Then the Greek hottie showed up (he works there, too) and we just sat around till it was time to leave. And because of Clare's smooth skills, we got a picture we him. God, we crack me up!!

OFF TO DENMARK!!! OMG OMG OMG so excited!! :)

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