05 June, 2010

Muy fucking bien. (4-June)

So on our 2nd to last night in Spain, a group of 5 British guys got put in the room next to ours. At first, we were annoyed because we had had the hostel floor to ourselves and when you are sharing a bathrooms with strangers, having none around is nice, haha. But it also makes meeting people really easy and fun. So we end up going out for dinner/drinks with these guys. They are hilarious and most of the night involved us making fun of each others' accents.

Let me just say... I am officially a person who can say I have partied all night long, till the sun came up, and then some. These guys were crazy and we were out until 7am or so. Awesome. Overall, a very fun time and a night Clare and I will definitely never forget. Not something I think I want to do again any time very soon, ha, but it was kinda about time I guess. They taught me a new drinking/chugging technique called "gumballing". Not very difficult, but apparently something very impressive to do in the UK.

Let's get to the title of this post. It is, in essence, the new and everlasting quote of the lives of Erin and Clare. So there is this guy in Malaga who "sings" for money in the streets, all day, every day. If you go there, you will see him. We named him Mozart. We had told the guys about him so they could keep an eye out, but when we went out to dinner with them our last night in the city, he showed up right by our restaurant! It was priceless... they even gave him a slow clap before his got started near our table. Now when I say this guy sings, what I mean is that he strains what vocal cords he has left, making a grunting rhaspy noise until it looks as though the veins in his neck are going to burst. Anyway, we all pitched in some coins to give to him for when he finished, and we were clapping and one of the guys said, "muy fucking bien" with a genuine intensity that was just too funny to truly explain. Clare and I loved it and have adopted the phrase wholeheartedly. She also got a GREAT video of Mozart, so maybe I can figure out how to post it on here or at least get it on facebook for anyone who is interested. It is a must-see.

All in all... Spain was muy fucking bien. On to France! :)

ps-- Bob & Keith: You guys always tell me the best cure for a hangover is another drink. I tried it. I can't believe I waited this long, haha, works like magic! I should have listened long ago!

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