25 June, 2010

CASTLES and FIRES and NIELS BOHR, oh my!!! (22-24-June)

CASTLE DAY!!! Perfect day for a Princess like me! hahaha :) We spent much of the day exploring several castles in Copenhagen, all different and all beautiful. I got some of my favorite pictures from the summer on this day. The castle grounds were all so gorgeous and perfectly primped. I felt like I was in a movie, or that someone like me shouldn't get to enjoy something so beautiful. But there it was, on a perfect summer day in my favorite city in the world. We enjoyed some smørrebrød for lunch (look it up), and later found a fruit stand with fresh Belgian strawberries. Now, I am very picky about my strawberries, I'll have you know. These were the most unbelievably perfectly delicious strawberries I have ever had. Ever. In my life. It was such a lovely day.

FIRE DAY!!!! It was the summer solstice today, which means that everyone in Copenhagen gets together in this square where a gigantic fire tower is set up and stands around the fire while drinking beer and listening to music. Jealous? You should be, because it was awesome. Apparently, it was not the best summer solstice celebration for the Danes, but I was seriously loving every second of it. I finally got to meet AJ's friend, Anders, that night. After hearing so much about it him, it was great to have a face to go with name (and hilarious stories). We had a fantastic time, even the guy who thought it would be a great idea to try to climb the burning fire tower and had it all topple down underneath him...

NIELS BOHR DAY!!!!! Ok, for those of you who are not geeky science freaks like AJ and me, you will probably not care about this at all. Fortunately for us, AJ's roommate is good friends with a physicist who works at the Niels Bohr Institute. AMAZING!! Niels Bohr is a big effing deal, and not just anyone can walk into the Institute... but we had a personal escort and tour guide. The outside of the building has a light system set up and the lights emit random flashes, but it is all powered by the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. Tell me that isn't badass... it's awesome. Check it: Niels Bohr Institute After that delightfully dorky treat, we strolled around some parks in the city and laid in the grass, got some Chinese for dinner, and then went to the other Philip's apartment for another soccer game. It was so cool to be in Copenhagen with someone who had been living there and had a group of friends to hang out with!

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