20 February, 2014

Post-op Appt and then some... PHOTOS!

My post-op appointment was Tuesday--5 days after surgery. I've been really pleased with the lack of swelling and hope it continues that way after the tape FINALLY comes off!!! The surgeon and physician's assistant said everything looks fantastic and the results are amazing. I'm SO happy with how it's looking so far. 

Once the tape was removed, the swelling was more noticeable. I returned to work on Wednesday--just 6 days later!!--since the pain was down to a 1-2, my energy levels were fine, and things were just achy/sore/uncomfortable which has been totally manageable with some tylenol. I was more self-conscious of my "gigantic puffy chin" than I anticipated so tried to keep to myself. No one bothered me or asked any questions, but I could tell people noticed that I looked different. :) If I hadn't had such a receding chin in the first place, it wouldn't have looked so out of place. For me, it looked and felt drastic that first day. 

Today (Thursday), pain and discomfort was even better, and I generally felt more myself as far as mood/mental state is concerned. The hardest part has been that my smile isn't back to normal yet since all the tissue and muscles have been stretched, so I look a little doofy compared to my usual tooth-bearing grin. At least it's only temporary!


Normal photo of myself (and my honey!) from our engagement photos last summer! Chin looks fine from the front!

Pre-op photos taken by the Cleveland Clinic--they emphasized that I should relax all the muscles in my face completely--fantastic. Receding chin is obvious from the side profile. 

First morning after surgery! Where's my prescription painkiller?! I looked exactly the same for all 5 days leading up to post-op, so this is all you're getting of these.

 NO MORE TAPE!! This is from Tuesday right after my post-op, literally--in the Cleveland Clinic bathroom and then in my car in the parking lot, ha. Look at all the chin I've acquired!!!! I was told that this was "quite swollen" and that over the next few weeks, the contouring and definition would continue to improve. It definitely became a bit more swollen than thing and was boxier by the next morning for my first day back to work.

At work today (Thursday), ONE WEEK after surgery. Already less swollen than Tuesday. Yes, I'm a chemist. Still having some achy soreness and discomfort, but again, nothing a couple tylenol can't take care of!

 Maybe my next post will strictly be pics of my derpy facial expressions! :)

16 February, 2014

Three days after

The surgery on Thursday afternoon went great! I checked in at the hospital at about 11:45am. There was a delay starting my surgery (due to the surgery prior to mine), so I didn't get back to the room until just after 2pm. Procedure took about an hour and a half, and I was in recovery until something like 6:45pm. My chin is taped up tightly with two large pieces of "special" tape.

That night was fairly miserable with pain on the high end of 7 on a 1-10 scale. I walked in the door, popped two painkillers, and went straight to bed--propped up on some pillows and laying on my back, of course. I didn't sleep well, maybe an hour or so at a time, and had to get up to pee quite often after being pumped up with the IV.

Friday--better, except my throat is really messed up from the tubes. Pain dropped to about a 5 most of the day, just hurts to swallow because the throat and avoiding anything acidic as it sort of burns going down (seriously, tubes fucked up my throat real bad!). Napped a lot, laid up on the couch, complete liquid diet of soups, smoothies that don't require a straw, juice, coffee, etc. Didn't appear to be much swelling, really, which was a nice surprise. Pain closer to a 7 by the end of the day. Still no bowel movement, which the doctor warned us about because of the pain killers--he recommended grape juice, but if that doesn't work, move on to softeners/laxatives.

Saturday--better again. Throat is fine today. Pain around 3-4 all day, and mostly in phases and not necessarily constant. Feeling less "pain" and more achy soreness. Most of the bottom lip is completely numb, as I can only feel in the very outside corners at the moment. I am mostly hurting underneath my chin along my jawline, especially back closer to my ears, which seems odd. It's quite tender to the touch, but only appears slightly swollen--not seeing any bruising. Only took one pain killer today, mostly used extra strength tylenol. Pathetic bowel movement this morning, but nothing else, even with coffee.

Sunday--pain around a 2 if I am holding still. My back is getting sore from having to sleep that way, and in general I'm feeling pretty restless. I normally work out 4 days/week on average and eat A LOT...  I think I'm probably over eating on the soup/smoothie/juice menu but it never leaves me satisfied. Going to move on to a straight laxative today and not taking the prescribed pain killer until I get some results, haha. Starting to get antsy about wanting this tape off my face.

Nurses did not say I need to ice. per se, but I have a couple of times because it feels good and is a relief. At this point, I'm very glad Monday is a work holiday, as I will still be taking a sick day on Tuesday. My post-op (and tape removal, for good I hope!) is that afternoon--even if my energy was up enough for work on Tuesday, I don't think I need to freak everyone out by showing up looking like this.

Trying to find a good before photo that will show the lack of chin! Hopefully the Clinic will give me a copy of the ones they took.

13 February, 2014

Morning of surgery!

I called the Clinic yesterday and they said my arrival time for surgery today is 11:45am.....  Not exactly the 7am I was hoping for, considering I have to fast after midnight last night. Instead of using a whole day of vacation today, though, I can just use a half day! Since I only started my job a few months ago and have limited vacation time (and am getting married this year), saving a half day is a big deal. Plus, now I will be busy at work while starving instead of sitting at home while starving and being tempted by all my food.

My last thoughts as I was going to bed: not about surgery. All about wedding planning details that have been on my mind.

My first thoughts this morning: I wonder how puffy my face is going to be after surgery.

I'm mostly feeling excited. I've had a few fleeting thoughts of disastrous outcomes but have managed to quickly brush them aside because they are ridiculous. Definitely feeling excited and maybe just anxious to get it over with in a way.

I'm stocked up on drinkable soups and smoothie items, as well as some serious vitamin C capsules along with my regular vitamin/supplement regiment to help myself heal as fast as possible.

The thing driving me the most crazy at the moment: not being able to put moisturizer on my face after washing it this morning--ahhh!! (Especially because it's super dry and really cold here in northeast Ohio right now!)

Time for work! Wish me luck!

11 February, 2014

So I'm getting a sliding genioplasty.

Yes, that's a real word, and this is happening in less than two days from now. It's more or less a chin job. Not a simple implant, and not the intense jaw surgery requiring braces before and a wired-shut mouth after. It's the middle ground--they cut just the chin bone and slide the bottom forward a bit to add length both vertically and horizontally.

How did this happen? I really don't know. I do know that my "receding chin" has bothered me immensely for a very long time and though I have a pretty enough face, I hate most photos of myself--blah blah blah. Once I realized it could be corrected, I wanted to get it done as soon as possible. I had a consultation with a couple of surgeons to determine the best option for me in November, a follow-up for photos and more in-depth discussion about potential results with my surgeon in December, and went in for an xray in January. Surgery is scheduled for Feb. 13th. Ahhh!

I haven't had much time to get nervous or let my brain run rampant with horrible potential outcomes. I find this quite fortunate; however, as the big day is now upon me, I am thinking about it more and more. And in my searches online for patients' stories who underwent the same or similar procedures, I came up with very close to nothing. Lots of info on doctors/surgeons/hospital pages, but I wanted more perspective from the side I will soon be joining. So here I am writing this.

I hope to post before and after photos eventually, but for now, here is how the cost broke down. Note that my surgery is taking place at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, and that I am paying for this myself and the surgery is not covered by insurance.

Consultation Fee: $85
Surgery: $3500 (pre-op, surgery, post-op)
Prescribed pain killers: $0, thanks to insurance

All in all, it's about what I was expecting going into this whole thing. The biggest pain so far has been the fact that the Cleveland Clinic is a monstrous hospital system which inevitably comes with some major inefficiencies. I've had to shuffle around MANY desks/offices to get everything done that was required, but hooray, that part is over!

More posts coming with how I've been "feeling" about it all, who I've told and why, and pics/details after surgery!